The College Minority
"The Power of Learning"

Our digital recruitment and advertising opportunities provide innovative ways to reach online and mobile audiences across devices 24/7.


Our responsive design ensures a consistent reading experience on all devices, giving advertisers access to an engaged, multi-platform, and diverse audience. Our upgraded Interactive Digital Publications and Banners are highly effective tools for attracting qualified and diverse job applicants. With visually striking and bold designs, we eliminate clutter and put the focus on your ad message or job openings. Our new fully responsive, large-format ad units offer advanced execution and visually arresting visuals that are on par with the rest of our products. Additionally, our browsing features incorporate native advertising and sponsored content, enhancing the user experience.

With a focus on precision and comprehensiveness

Our next-generation user interface is revolutionizing the way news, information, and advertising are consumed by the minority community. By being part of the Minority Times experience, you can take advantage of the extra exposure for your brand. Our magazines are published Bi Monthly and available for download with free subscription.

Our readership includes minority job seekers, military personnel, college students, healthcare professionals, teachers, police and fire department personnel, as well as thousands of other job seekers and college students. Our editorial focus not only reflects the major concerns of the minority community at present, but also looks ahead to anticipate trends, technologies, and challenges that may affect our readers in the future.

The broad editorial content we offer aims to provide detailed assistance to the specific needs of underrepresented job hunters or prospective students. Our digital publications remain highly effective tools for college recruitment and human resource departments to attract qualified applicants. Readers can expect advice on the hottest job markets and the most diversity-friendly learning institutions. Our commitment to diversity sets us apart as a leader in minority recruitment services, catering to the needs of all ethnic backgrounds, including but not limited to Hispanic, Black, Latino, Gay, Veterans, and individuals with disabilities.

In conclusion, our digital recruitment and advertising opportunities offer a comprehensive platform to reach diverse audiences, ensuring precision, high-quality, and an optimal reading experience across devices.

FREQUENCY           1(X)        2(x)+


Full Page              $ 8,800    $ 6,500        

Half Page             $ 4,900     $ 3,900      

Third Page           $ 3,800     $ 2,900     

Quarter Page       $ 2,600     $ 2,000      

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