Guess What? Nearly Everyone’s a Minority
It’s likely that you fit into at least one of the growing minority scholarship categories—nearly everyone does, by some scholarship definition. We’ll prove it:
- African American
- Hispanic
- Native American
- Asian
- Female
- Multi-racial or multicultural
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered (GLBT)
Have we left anyone out? Your strategy must be comprehensive. Neglect this category of scholarship programs and you lose out on a free money opportunity.
Have we left anyone out? Your strategy must be comprehensive. Neglect this category of scholarship programs and you lose out on a free money opportunity.
Every scholarship source offers minority scholarships
federal, state, professional organizations, private endowments, corporate donors, and colleges and universities. Why? Diversity, inclusion, and global marketplace.
You’ll find a bounty of scholarships extended to students studying in fields traditionally underrepresented by minorities: sciences, math, engineering, technical (called STEM or SMET subjects), as well as law, medicine, and business. These areas of study account for millions of dollars in scholarship money.
Hispanics and Blacks
Blacks and Hispanics comprise the largest minority groups in the U.S. Unfortunately many barriers to college remain in place. One of the best ways to encourage and support students challenged by adversity is by removing one of the biggest barriers: money. To these ends African American scholarships have grown. Some of the best sources for funding may be found in lucrative partnerships between minority organizations and rich corporate sponsors.
Scholarship programs for Hispanic students aim to increase the number of young Latinos studying in subject areas most underrepresented by them, especially the sciences, engineering, math, and technology. We offer a realistic scholarship search strategy to get you off the ground quickly. There are literally millions of dollars in scholarships for African American and Hispanic students from colleges and universities, private organizations, and corporations, all committed to diversifying higher education, as well as the global marketplace.
Interracial Students
There is a provocative new trend in minority scholarships: the addition of award funds that seek to include students of mixed heritage, blended cultures, and those representative of the American Melting Pot. Keep your eyes peeled for free money with names like interracial scholarships, multi-cultural or multi-ethnic scholarships. If you think about it, not everyone is being included in other minority categories and the scholarships we’ve chosen prove it.
Asian Students
Asian Americans are a proportionately smaller, but growing minority population. Statistics show that this ethnic group attends college more than any other and stays in college once they are there. Asian students: improve your scholarship chances—check out the free money funds we’ve found. Excellent merit-based aid sources for Asian students include cultural organizations, your school of choice, and university departments such as Law and Journalism, or professional organizations. We guide you to relevant and realistic money opportunities.
Native American Students
American Indian and Native Alaskan students comprise the smallest minority population on college campuses. The good news is that business and industry want you. Learn what ancestral credentials it takes to qualify for Native American college scholarships. Discover what opportunities tribal colleges and universities offer, insider tips for finding even deeper layers of funding, and a few very relevant scholarship links to get you started on a worthwhile search for scholarships.
Women of all ethnic backgrounds are truly empowered when it comes to accessing college scholarships for women. Take the American Association of University Women as an example: The organization is dedicated to the advancement of women in education. Their site features a host of opportunities available for women of all backgrounds and cultures as well as those in various stages of life and education.
Specific populations of women covered by scholarship funds:
- Minority women.
- Women returning to education after interruption, including career, family, or both.
- Professional women advancing their careers.
- Women seeking higher degrees.
The scholarships we’ve found for female students pinpoint the diversity of funds as well as sources that are out there. Most are relevant, timely, and generous.
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Students
Many organizations and institutions now offer scholarships for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered (GLBT) students and recognize this unique group as a legitimate minority. Here’s just a couple from our growing list:
- The Point Foundation provides dozens of scholarships for GLBT students. The not-for-profit organization is one of the most proactive in helping “marginalized” students meet their educational and career goals.
- The First Friday Breakfast Club Scholarship for Iowa students is the perfect example of the types of scholarships most GLBT students may find: small, private, and regionally located.
But this scholarship category is not exclusive to GLBT students. Sons and daughters of gay and lesbian parents, as well as friends and allies of the GLBT community are included.
Get Creative with Minority Scholarships
If you’re really thinking outside the box then you may even consider yourself a “minority” if you have an outstanding physical feature or are disabled:
- Juniata College, a small liberal arts college in Pennsylvania, offers a scholarship for left-handed students.
- Little People of America offers a scholarship to adult students who are 4’10″ or shorter.
There are even legitimate scholarships for white males—controversial though this topic is.
These are the ingredients for a good scholarship search, now think creatively. What minority groups do you belong to?
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