The College Minority
"The Power of Learning"

Fnding Your Best-Fit

Find the College that fits 

Nowadays you have so many options!
Colleges and universities across the globe offer so many alternative ways of education and I’m not just talking about online-based education, but the kind of education that I’m willing to bet many of you would prefer:
As you know, and I will provide in more detail in my next post, that there are basically four types of higher. Public University/College, Private Colleges, Community/Junior Colleges, and Vocational Schools. These schools are different because of their initial makeup.
However, each of these types of institutions is making it easier and more convenient for you to attend higher education and earn a degree without disrupting much of your life in any major way. Too many of my friends that are slightly younger than me are attending Brown Mackie College because of the way the school provides its scheduling. BUT, these friends of mine would have never looked into unless we happened to speak about school.
Why is it that you delay? Don’t…just do it.
Ask questions and find the right type of school for you.
What are your needs? Can you address them and resolve those?
Something I realized though in my job is the dire need for students to learn-by-doing and/or do-by-learning…more hands-on practical applications. There is a trend out there and a new wave of education that is tailored to YOUR interests and needs. Many of you have the skills to learn in a more hands-on environment instead of the standard classroom.
Many schools through the country offer a more hands-on approach to education. All you have to do is ask. Ask admissions, financial aid, career services, students services are just a few of the offices and advisors with whom you should be in touch.

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